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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar


Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith it to see what you believe.

(Saint Augustine)

I believe; therefore, I am.

I believe; therefore, I am whole.

I believe; therefore, I am Love.

I believe; therefore, I am Light.

We believe; therefore, we are.

We believe; therefore, we are Love.

We believe; therefore, we are Light.

We believe; therefore, we are all one.



A little something gets us back into the loop.

Makes us doubt.

Makes us wonder.

Despite having seen it.

Despite having heard it.

Despite having sensed it.

Despite having felt it.

We doubt.

We wonder.

Is it true?

Have I gone mad?

Can it be done?

Can I do it?


We doubt.

Now is the time to believe.

The odds are in our favour.

Only if you favour the boldest.

Only if you follow your heart.

Only if you believe.

And let it be.

The underdog.

The minimum probability.

The maximum gain.

There is no other option

Of all times.

Now is the time.

To trust yours own self.

To listen to your inner self.

To forget and remember.

To remember and forget.

You are not what you have been told you are.

You are who you are, not what you think you are.

Go within.

Quiet your mind.

Open your heart.

Trust your own self.

Trust the universe.

Be your own self.

The time has come.

To release, let go, dissolve, metamorphose, transcend.

I believe and so it is/

Yo lo Creo

1 comentário

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
11 de abr. de 2021

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