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Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Being Humans... Again

Denaturation or what is also called separation, the fall or duality marks the beginning of the path that has led us to where we are: denatured and therefore lost.

Repentant, but nevertheless proud.

Searching, without finding, running aimlessly.

Unrecognisable and vain.

Living under an illusion that sometimes appears to be kind to us, and sometimes is not.

Being controlled, while we seek to control everything.

Obedient, while being intransigent.

Helpless and scared, so that we are scary.

Programmed and therefore inflexible.

Angry with and of life.

Disconnected and separated from everyone and everything.

Believing to be unique and independent, hoping to be liked by others.

Exploited by and exploiting others.

Suffering the consequences of having ceased being humans.

Destroying ourselves, trying to do something that does not correspond to our nature and that does not allow us to be who we are.

Denying our own nature.

We are waking up from this illusion, to return to our divine nature, to be the luminous and loving beings that we are, have always been, and always will be.

We are in the process of forgetting all that we have been told as the truth; burying that who I am not, to reunite with that who I am; the eternal, immortal, luminous, and loving I am that is one with everything; that without being anything, nor anyone, is everything; returning to our own nature; returning to be human, the children of mother earth, the children of “la chingada; coming out from the mistake that made us believe that we were something else.

By believing that we are separated from our own nature and by ceasing to be the immortal beings of light and love that we are, we no longer had a place and space in this planet and without realising all this, when we began to exploit nature, to exploit each other, began our path to extinction and that of many other species

that coexisted with our species on this planet.

To be who I am, I do not have to do anything, I am light and love and to the extent that I do not intervene by doing and simply I am, I will let the light and love that I am freely manifest in our lives, just as it was, is and always will be.

We believe so. Yo lo Creo.


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