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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

You have no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You.

Nothing seemed right.

What's the point of bring gold to  the gold mine, or water to the ocean.

Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient.

It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.

So I've brought you a mirror.

Look at yourself and remember me.


We are so full of ourselves, and feel so important that we have forgotten that we are just one more species in this planet, one more piece in a gigantic puzzle, one more grain of sand in the desert, we have forgotten that we are all one with everything.

We are so lost from ourselves, we feel so irrelevant that we have forgotten that we are like no other human in his planet; that special and unique piece that we need to complete the puzzle, the whole ocean, we have forgotten that we're all one with everything.

That great idea was clearly my idea. Was it really yours?

I though about it by myself. Where did that idea came from?

It may have occurred to you to think about it, but is it really your idea?

Ideas are the result of everything you and your relations have heard, read, listened, perceived, absorbed, and experienced in this live.Do you truly think that it is solely yours?

That great idea could not be mine. Did you not think about it?

I could not have done it without the others. Are you so sure, maybe you did not feel like doing it alone?

I did not do anything. Define anything. What exactly do you need to do to be a part of something?

When you baked that bread, do you really think you baked it yourself? Just think for a moment about all the persons that have contributed in one way or another in your baking that bread.

The foregoing is reflected when we work in teams, when we work for someone, when we follow orders, when we obey. Who gets the credit and why?

When we say we are collaborating, are we collaborating? Are we working together?

Working together implies that each one is doing something different, and each one that contributed to the work is as important as the others.

We though that our problem was in treating everyone as equals, but that did not get us anywhere and left us thinking that worked for a false God: money would do the trick and it almost did!

We were missing the point, some knew and were doing it on purpose, some did not and we were so lost that we did not know where to begin.

The purpose of our lives cannot be limited to doing what we do to make money. Money has turned our lives upside down. Our lives are intertwined with money and now we do not know how we could live without it.

And that is why collaboration is a concept that sounds right but does not materialise. If each member of a community is pursuing its own interest and not those of the community, then there is no collaboration that will actually work. Every effort, every initiative shall be flawed.

Work is what we do while being and serving others. Work is the compensation that we pay our community to belong to same and to be protected and nurtured and taken care of. Those that cannot work, are taken care of by their community.Our goal is to be one with all.

We are living the last breathe of centuries of a flawed system of hierarchies to preserve the privilege of the few at the expense of the rest. It results from separating the us from them; imagine if that is within the human realm, what about the rest of the ecosystem to which we belong? The rest of the species that coexist in this planet? We all breathe the same air, we all drink the same water, don't we all?

The difference is not in whether we collaborate or not. Everything we have done is the product of collaboration, the only difference is whether we recognise that or not. We may not want to recognise it because then why would we get all the credit and not just a part of it. Then who will earn all the money?

We must start by recognising the collaboration of the elements of nature in everything we do in our lives. We may be so technological and sophisticated doing abstract and ininteligible work that we barely understand; and even so, without air, water and the food that natures gives us we would not be able to sustain these bodies. Do not we owe all of them some credit?

Without gratitude for the grace of living in this planet, for breathing the air, drinking water, receiving living energy from the sun and the protection of the shadow from the trees, the fruits of the soil in all different kind of fruits and vegetables, it clearly makes no sense being here.

And why are we here?

Are we here to destroy everything and everyone to claim the glory of ... what? Are we here to make money? Really?

I believe so


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