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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Are you ready?

Life is a song: sing it.

Life is a game: play it.

Life is a challenge: meet it.

Life is a dream: realize it.

Life is a sacrifice: offer it.

Life is love: enjoy it.

(Sai Baba)

The question comes when you least expect it.

We are following our path, nothing could be better, nothing can go wrong, we are on our way to ascend, we feel we can smell it and we are about to grasp it with our fingers, and then, the universe asks:

Are you ready?

The question comes as a challenge, as a loss, as an upset, it comes in different forms and shapes.

It is not anyone elses fault, there is no one to blame, everyone is playing its part.

It is a question, a simple question disguised in multiple and mysterious forms, that we shape to suit our quest.

A question for us to respond, to continue our ascent.

There is clearly work to be done. There is always something in which we can work, we are not there yet. Getting there, but not quite there yet.

Not there yet, just yet.

The optimist in us, tells us that it is a good sign, challenges only arrive when we are ready for them.

We hear the question loud and clear.

We may not understand what it means; nevertheless, we trust, and we surrender to what is.

We will face it as it comes, as it is.

We own the challenge, we hear the question and we are ready, it is time.

I am, we are.

We believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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