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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

We need the sweet pain of anticipation to teel us we are really alive.

(Albert Camus)

The signs manifest.

Here, there, everywhere.

I know, she knows, we know.

These are the times.

This is the time.

Expectation, anticipation, excitement.

Here it comes, here it is.

My heart knows and is elated.

My gut feels it and shows it.

My whole being knows and cannot contain itself.

It is clear, it is here, it is now and here we are.

Not sure what, how, when, nor where.

Absolute certainty about it all.

Cannot explain.

Cannot articulate.

Feel it through my veins, in my gut, everywhere.

Vibrations shake my body from within.

Impossible to contain.

Waves flowing, here, now, there, everywhere.

Impossible to contain.

Shaked and shaken from within so without, everywhere.

Exhausted, consummed, elated, exhausted.

I am not who I think I am.

You are not who you think you are.

We are not who we think we are.

I am who I am.

You are who you are.

We are who we are.

I am ready to be my own true self.

You are ready to be your own true self.

We are ready to be our own true self.

I am ready to be with my own true self.

You are ready to be with your own true self.

We are ready to be with our own true self.

Here I am.

Here we are.

Here and Now.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is


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