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Writer's pictureMY HaySar


Updated: Mar 16, 2021

We are eternal beings.

Endings are not in our destiny.

(Elder Uchtdorf)

There is a time.

That time, when you penetrate the timeless.

That time, when time ceases to be what we believed it was.

That time, when time become the timeless, the eternal reality.

That time, when time becomes what is and shall always be.

That time, when the being goes into that space when time ceases to be.

That time, when the timeless and the eternal become one.

That time, when the being is timeless and when the timeless being ceases to be what it believed it was.

That time, when the being becomes what it has always been.

That time, when the being is reunited with the eternal.

That time, when the being regains its timelessness.

The eternal and the timeless are but one with the being.

The light within reunites with the light that we are.

We are released from all that was to become whole again.

The light show us the way back home.

We become the light that we are .

When we become light again, we know that we are back home.

We are light, we are love.

When we see the light within, we see the essence of our soul.

We are light, we are love.

We know that we know.

Our soul knows that we know.

We release everything that was.

The attachments to what is bound by time.

To rejoice with the impermanent.

With everything that is and shall always be.

We are light, we are love.

Together, the light within and the light that we are, we become one.

We become one with the whole.

We become whole.

We are all one.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo

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1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
Apr 11, 2021

Timeless I feel...absence and stillness I must. Silence awareness ❤️

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