Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
(Dr. Seuss)
The quest for true love is not something you conquer in others but within your own true self.
To find true love, you must firstly find your true self.
You are not who they told you were.
Neither who you think you are.
You are none of them.
To become your own true self, you must firstly forget yourself.
Forget and let go everything you have been told, everything you were made to believe.
What you see in the mirror does not exist.
You and others created a being under the image and likeness of yourself, not thyself.
What you see in the mirror is not you.
You do not see you own true self, but the construction of who you were told you were and eventually you ended up believing you were.
The more you think about it, the less you are your own true self.
To be your own true self you shall cease to try, to think.
Let thy will be done and just be without doing anything.
Cease being a limited egotic being.
Become everything you really are.
By being who you truly are, you can be the true love that you are within.
Not what you have been told you were.
Not what you have been told love is.
That is not who you are.
That is not love.
All that is as it is.
True unconditional love.
Nothing to do.
Not need to try.
Everything that you shall ever be in a continuous state of bliss.
Floating above all.
United in communion to all that ever was, is and shall ever be.
Eternal bliss of unity.
Seeing without watching.
Listening without hearing.
Being without doing.
Being one with the whole.
Being love with the whole.
I am love and love I am.
My true self is nothing but true love.
You are my other self, you are love.
I am your other self, I am love.
We were one.
We are one.
We shall always be one, here, now.
We were love.
We are love.
We shall always be love.
One with all.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe and so it is.