We behold that which we are, and we are that which we behold; because our being, without losing anything of its own personality, is united with the Divine Truth.
(John of Ruysbroeck)
Beyond our sleep, our dreams and our perception of reality, a further unitive state awaits.
We dream of an awakened life.
We dream of a separate, physical experience.
We live in such a dream state.
Nothing in such dream state is real.
What appears to be, is not what it is.
Our tangible separatedeness is not real.
Unity appearing as separate is the product of our own perception.
When our mind looks at unity, it only sees separatedness.
When our mind looks at what is timeless, it only sees impermanence.
When our mind looks at infinity, it only sees boundaries.
When our mind looks at what is, it only sees choices.
When our mind looks at our other Self, it only sees others.
The limited perception of our mind can only see separatedness, impermanence, boundaries, choices and others.
They are what the mind can experience. In our minds, they are all real.
The may feel real, and they are in this awakened state; however, they are not the ultimate reality.
There is much more than what our mind can perceive.
It is not until we awaken from this awakened state;
It is not until we ascend beyond the perception of the mind;
It is not until we pierce the veil of illusion;
It is not until we transcend the maya;
It is not until we remember who we really are;
It is not until we reconnect with our true nature;
It is not until we realise that we are not a physycal creature;
It is not until we find the Self within;
... that duality dissolves together with our separatedness;
... that we enter the wholeness of unity itself;
... that we see the world as a whole;
... that we see our other Self in others;
...that we find the Self within;
... that we let the Self act through us;
... that we realise we are one with the whole;
... that we have everything;
... that we lack nothing;
... that we desire nothing else;
... that we become who we truly are;
... that we are love;
... that we serve others;
... that we give ourselves;
.... that our lives become the message;
... that we are all one.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe so, and so it is.