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Writer's pictureYHT


Updated: Nov 17, 2020

We are all just walking each other home.

(Ram Dass)

While we walk our path, following our camino.

Where is it that we are going?

The destination is nowhere to be found.

The destination is within our own selves, not without.

Nowhere to look for.

Nowhere to go.

No one to follow.

No hurries.

No expectations.

Take your time, and breathe.

We will all get there.

It is all about walking the path.

Enjoying each step.

Each moment.

Most of all, the company.

Those that came with us.

Those that we chose.

Those that chose us.

Those that crossed our path.

Those that are coming.

Those that are going.

We all meet here for a reason.

Nothing is a coincidence.

Everything happens in perfection.

We may understand it or you may not.

It might make sense, or it might not.

It does not matter.

Nothing really matters.

"Est est, non est non est".

(What is, is; what is not, is not)

It is what it is.

It was what it was.

It will be what it will be.

Awaken from the illusion.

See what it is, not what you want to see.




It is all about being love.

It is all about being of service.

Helping others to help yourself.

It is all about remembering who you are.

Not yesterday, not tomorrow.

This is not about your past.

This is not about your future.

This is about your eternity,

Here and now.

I believe so, and so be it/

Yo lo Creo


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