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"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving"

(Kahlil Gilbran)

I woke up before dawn, considered the options and sat down to quiet my mind and open my heart.

After some time, my mind -turned into a radio devise- caught some sound waves.

The first words to be transmitted where in English, it was not my voice, I do not know whose voice it was nor where did it come from.

I was listening to these sound waves that entered my head.

Three words: "vast universal expansion", and then silence.

I was intrigued. Was this voice talking to me? What did this mean? Should I write this down? Will I remember them? Where did this voice come from?

It happened again. Same experience. Another voice, now in Spanish, was captured in my head.

Three more words: "siempre hace ruido (its always noisy)".

Finally, the last one, a different voice ended saying, again in Spanish, the word "río", followed by a profound silence not be be interrupted again.

This time the silence that remained within myself was accompanied by my internal laughter, due to the double sense in the word: rio/río (river/laughter).

I get it, they have a sense of humour. It then must be serious.

I continue laughing in silence, from within, my whole body filled with an indescriptible joy.

The words did not made sense, the voice was different every time, it was as if I was getting bits from conversations happening somehwere else, as if my mind was being used as a transmitter, just catching bits of random conversations happening elsewhere.

Next to me, my other wing attached to our heart kept me company, the words of Kahlil Gilbran came to my mind.

I gave thanks for another day of loving, the only thing that matters.

I continued laughing inside, my whole body shining in the night.

I flow like a river, and surrender, overwhelmed with bliss, and laugh.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo

1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
Oct 08, 2020

Las voces del corazón también hablan 😘

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