MY HaySarMay 3, 20205 min readIf I Am, We All AreIf I am, we all are. Once I am who I am, we are all one. As within, so without. We believe so,
mjhayauxApr 29, 20201 min readHow To Unlearn LonelySilence doesn't equal lonely. I was never alone in that pyramid, lonely stayed outside, and silence held my hand as I walked in.
MY HaySarApr 28, 20202 min readInsanity HealsBy observing ourselves with love and madness, that is, without judgment and without reason, we heal everything.
MY HaySarApr 28, 20202 min readLa Locura CuraAl observarnos con amor y con locura, es decir, sin juicio y sin razón, lo curamos todo.
YHTApr 26, 20206 min readAdopting a Nature StandardMoney is an illusion, an invention, an abstraction. We must give money back its meaning, and build again credibility on its value.
YHTApr 25, 20206 min readAdoptar el Patrón NaturaEs hora de devolverle el dinero a su significado como facilitador del intercambio comercial, y darle nuevamente credibilidad a su valor.
MY HaySarApr 24, 20203 min readOur VigilIn vigil we shall remain until we transcend to a higher state of consciousness, until our metanoia. Nothing and no one can stop us.