Our journey started many, many lives ago.
We were born in Mexico.
We are proud mestizos (of mixed Anahuaca and European descent).
We lost ourselves during this lifetime.
We awakened from the illusion of separateness.
We remembered whom we are.
We crossed the black mirror.
We found ourselves in ourselves, to find ourselves in each other.
We forgot whom we thought we were to be whom we really are.
In our quest for Aztlán, we arrived to Avalon.
Nothing about us is real.
We are a myth.
She has always been one.
I am that I am.
Together we are nothing, but mythical creatures.
Created to be who we are, without doing, but merely being.
From the gardens of Kew and the forests of La Sainte Baume, we flow like water from the spring connecting through the roots of its sacred oaks and ceibas with the rest of the world, observing and feeling, being one with everything and everyone, present, conscious, with intention, letting our spirits express themselves freely, serving, loving, being everything, without doing nothing.
Nothing makes sense, because it does not have to.
It never has and never will.
Because we now know that we are our own myths.
We always have been.
We are.
We shall always be.
We are here to love, serve and remember.
We are you and you are we.
We are love.
We are one.
We are here for you.
We believe and therefore we speak.
We believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo.